2016 to present: President of ARNODVA, an association which promotes artistic research
2011 to present: Architecture awareness raising activities for 'GRAINE D’ARCHI' association.
2011 to present: Various architecture projects for LE COLLECTIF, a collaborative network
Martine Harlé, Nathalie Duez, Marie-May Boullet, Hélène Salahun
2001 to present: Freelance architect
2000: Founded the association LABO ARCHI to promote research in the field of architecture
2000 to 2001: Benoit Julien architecture firm
2000: ADP architecture firm with Paul Andreu
1998 to 1999: SIGNES Paysagistes landscape architects
1998: ROCHE, DSV & Sie.P architecture firm
1991–1997: École Spéciale d’Architecture (School of Architecture) – Paris